Sunday, April 1, 2007

It is hard to believe Alexander is 12 weeks old. He is discovering new things everyday. He loves himself now, the mirror is his new friend. He looks at himself and smiles, he can even find me in the mirror. He has also started to pick me out from across the room. He has really began to notice all the fish in his room, it is a good thing he likes them as they are ALL over his room. He is gaining control of is head and is able to sit and stand pretty good. Except for the balance part, I have to hold on to him. He is now mostly in 3-6 months clothes. Some of them are too big, so we will have to wait on those. Here are some of my favorite pictures over the last week.

How could you not just LOVE this face!
Sleeping like an angel!

This face is for Grandpa!

Happy Birthday Papi!

He loves his daddy!

Standing on his Mommy.

I am crazy pants on my head man.

The family at the zoo.

Driving Evie around in the Mustang!

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