Wednesday, September 3, 2008

St Pete Beach, Causey Family Reunion

We had a great beach trip this year. Jeremy flew in early Saturday Morning (1 am) and stayed until Monday afternoon. Alexander and I were so glad to have him for the weekend even if we had to share him with everyone. I really wondered how Alexander would react to seeing Jeremy after him being gone for a month and a half. I wondered if he would remember him or not be happy to see him. Alexander was very happy to see his dad, in fact that was one of his favorite words all weekend..."daddy." It has continued to be one of his favorite words. Every time my phone ring he says "daddy" and usually he is right it is dad. He has also started to say "hello Daddy' on his little play phone. It is funny that he know Jeremy is with us even if it is not physical.

The WHOLE Causey clan minus the Jeremy, John, my dad a Michael. They were fishing!

Family Picture.....
We were going to do our family pictures on the beach again this year but the weather had another plan. Alexander was not very happy to be posing at all!

Mia taught Alexander how to pick and smell flowers this weekend and this is the one he picked for me. How sweet!

During this last month Alexander has changed SO much. It is like everything we have been teaching him has clicked. He will pretty much try to say any word you say to him.

Here are some of the words he says all the time now, I am sure I will not remember them all. He know at least 50 words right now.
Hello, Mom, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, Lala (Michaela), Caedence "dencedence", Pop, Papi, Mia, Bird, Dixie, Libby, Choo Choo, Truck, Car, Mickey Mouse, Pooh, Oh No, Outside, Go, Shoes, Now, I said No, more, me, Tow mater, please, cheese, Nemo, Elmo, don't know, flower, and I am sure there are more but I cannot think of any.

He has started to really enjoy doing puzzles although nothing compares to a monster truck.

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1 comment:

Lexie/Gage---- said...

We love the Monster Truck