Friday, December 7, 2007

11 months

It is so hard for me to believe Alexander is 11 months old. He is growing so fast and learning new things everyday. Here are a few of my favorite things he does.
~If you ask "Where is your tongue?" he will stick it right out.
~Points to his fish when you ask him to.
~Points at his picture when you ask "Where's Alexander?"
~Loves to pull his socks off. As soon as he gets in his car seat off comes the shoes and socks.
~Imitates noises and faces, like the face above. He got that one from Aunt Kristy at Thanksgiving.
~Loves to play with trucks, the wheels are still his favorite part.
~Throws the ball for Libby.
~Loves to dance, when the music comes on his butt starts moving.
~Taking steps, he is getting more daring walking from one piece of furniture to another.
~Feeds the dogs food he does not like. The other day he was eating carrots and chicken he fed all the carrots
to the dogs and kept the chicken for himself. The dogs are enjoying this new interest a lot.
~He is pretty much off of baby food and he is loving it.
~We have started in the last couple of days to giving him some milk and he loves it. I am still nursing him
about 4 times a day.
~He is totally out of 6-9 months, in some 12-18 months clothing, and is still in size 4 diapers.
~He has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.

These are all our Christmas photos...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your pictures are great! I cant wait til you come down.