Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snow Play

This was our view outside when we woke up the other morning. Is it not so beautiful! You know it almost looks like white beach sand.....but it doesn't feel like it.

Even though this is not the best picture of Alexander I love his little outfit and wanted to share what a big boy he looks like in it.

This was a couple of days after the snow. You can see allot of the snow had melted but there was enough left to make a snow man.

....and to make snow balls. Alexander actually ate allot of the snow this time outside. I have not really seen him eat it so I was surprised.

It has been a while since I have really updated this on all that is going on with Alexander. Right now he is wearing 3T tops and in 2T bottoms and size 7 -8 shoes. He is in size 5 diapers and hopefully will be out of those soon. He really has no interest in the potty, when I ask him to go potty he almost has a melt down and shout no while running away. I guess we will get there one day. He is all about letters, numbers and colors which I love. He loves to draw, paint and color. Pictures of our first painting adventure to come. At school he is learning and saying allot of the kids names. He is now in my class with me and I enjoy watching him with the other children. He watches and learns from them, it is amazing! I love watching him grow and learn everyday, what an amazing little boy I have!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is pretty amazing. lol. It looks like ya'll have been having so much fun. I can't wait to see the painting pics. Love you.