Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Day of Work and The Big 3 - 0

One of Alexander's favorite snacks is "car" gummies. I snapped this pic a little late but you can see he grouped the colors together. I thought that was pretty cool.

Alexander was very excited about going to school. I started work on Tuesday so he came with me. He has a great teacher named Mrs. Tarren and he seems to like her. He did have a little run in on his first day. He was playing and another little boy scratched the slide of his face with a toy. Poor baby lost it. He screamed! I felt so bad for him, I think it hurt his feelings more than anything.

We went out for Jeremy's 30th birthday last night. We went with our neighbors Sarah and Darren. We decided to save some money on a sitter and let Alexander stay at their house then we could just split the cost. So Alexander had his first big boy sleep over at Sam's house. The sitter said he did really good.
How sweet is he all camped out on the floor.

We went to a concert to see John Michael Montgomery, Chris Young and Craig Morgan. It was a BLAST!
He were are waiting in line outside in the cold! Why can't men take a serious picture?
Here are all three performers on stage together.

1 comment:

mama to many said...

Love that picture of you and jer!!! Y'all look so cute---definitely frame worthy! At first I thought that was Alexander on the couch!!!! haha you had me scared for a second that he had changed A LOT!!!